Creating a marketing plan can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right framework and approach, you can create a killer marketing plan that aligns with your business goals and objectives. Creating a killer marketing plan is …
What type of strategies are best for OGSM?
There are various different types of strategies and many different strategy tools. But which type of strategy is best suited for the OGSM model? OGSM can be used for various types of strategies, including but not limited to business strategy, …
What’s The Difference Between OKR and OGSM?
If you are like me then you may also be wondering if there is a better way to drive strategy execution and achieve business results. When I first came across OKRs and OGSM, I was wondering what’s the difference between …
SWOT Analysis Template & Examples: How To Do A SWOT Right?
SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and evaluates the situation of a business, project or organization. Conducting a SWOT analysis is a 5-step process.
The 7 Deadly Sins Of Business Strategy
Two-thirds of all business strategies fail during implementation. And just like the seven cardinal sins, when strategies fail in business often one or more of the seven deadly sins of strategy are at work. The seven deadly sins of business …
13 Reasons Why Successful Companies Use OGSM
Many Fortune 500 companies and many small businesses have successfully implemented the OGSM methodology to support their strategic process. Why? Because there are many benefits to using OGSM to simplify strategy and deliver results. Here are 13 ways the OGSM …
OGSM Example For B2B Companies: How Florian’s Fastener Solutions Returned to Growth
Looking for inspiration on how to structure your strategic plan? Or just looking for an OGSM example? Get to know Andy and learn how he applies the OGSM methodology to his small B2B company. OGSM stands for Objective, Goals, Strategies …
How To Cascade Strategy To Deliver Excellent Results
When formulating and executing your business strategy, it is important to ensure that everyone in the company understands the overall direction and that their work is linked with the business’ objective and goals. But how to achieve that exactly? This …
What Comes First: People or Strategy?
It seems like a question of preference or belief such as Pepsi vs. Coke, Pampers vs. Huggies or Nutella vs. Nusspli. But far from it. Whether in large corporations or small businesses, choosing to put people first or put strategy …
What Should Small Business Owners Focus On During A Crisis?
Economic crises can be challenging times for all of us but a grave pandemic such as COVID-19 and the ensuing economic fallout are particularly damaging to small businesses. In steering through this crisis myself, I thought I would write down …