13 Reasons Why Successful Companies Use OGSM

Many Fortune 500 companies and many small businesses have successfully implemented the OGSM methodology to support their strategic process. Why? Because there are many benefits to using OGSM to simplify strategy and deliver results. Here are 13 ways the OGSM methodology can improve your strategy too.

1. Simplicity

The OGSM is simple. The methodology uses a simple framework, easy language and a one-page overview to break down a sophisticated process into an approachable, simple format. This makes it easy to understand and easy to adopt.

2. Clarity

The OGSM makes strategy clear and transparent. As the OGSM depicts the strategy on a single page, there is no need to read a long strategy paper or a thick powerpoint deck to understand what the business or the organization is looking to achieve and how it will get there. The objectives, goals, strategies and measures can all be found at first glance. Clarity about strategic objectives is critical if you want to achieve them.

3. Quick to learn

The OGSM methodology is easily understood and quick to learn. You do not need to hire expensive consultants first to explain to your executive team or your project team how to develop a strategy or deploy the tool. The format and terminology are simple and basic concepts of the methodology can be learned quickly in order to be deployed effectively. (Besides, you have Rock Your Strategy to help you through the process ;-))

4. Easy to communicate

The OGSM can be easily communicated. Key to effective communication is connecting with your target audience to help them understand the key content of your message. Because the OGSM is simple, easy to understand and makes your strategy clear and transparent, it is a wonderful way to communicate your strategy.

5. Versatility

The OGSM is versatile. It can be used for long-term strategic plans with time horizons of 3-5 years or longer. It can be applied to annual operating plans or budget plans. It can be deployed for large or small-scale projects etc. etc. In essence, anytime you have an intended outcome and need to plan how to achieve it, OGSM could be your tool. 

I have personally applied OGSM both for long-term strategic plans and for annual operating plans and I have seen it used to manage a project. All worked very well. 

6. Engagement

The OGSM creates engagement. By definition, engagement is when people pledge their support, when they feel a legal or moral obligation to do something. Involving the team, receiving their input and obtaining their buy-in is important. But showing in the OGSM how the team can support implementing the strategy and achieving results creates true commitment. 

7. Focus

The OGSM creates focus. Strategy is all about making choices and the process and the OGSM format force making choices. Choices which initiatives to prioritize and how to allocate resources to achieve your objectives and goals. I have found that choosing 3-5 strategies is optimal in order not to put all your eggs in one basket while directing your attention and capabilities towards those activities where you can have the biggest impact.

8. Alignment

The OGSM aligns all functions and stakeholders towards a common objective and goals and shows how each can contribute towards achieving them. This is important to ensure that all parts of an organization pull in the same direction. Nothing could be worse for an organization than to create conflicting priorities or diverging interests which lead to inefficient allocation of resources or outright internal competition. While internal competition can be good in some situations. It is poison if there are conflicting views about what the strategic priorities of the business are.

9. Cascading

The OGSM makes cascading strategies throughout the organization easier and more straightforward. With OGSM you can cascade the strategy vertically from e.g. company level to division level to team level. You can also easily cascade horizontally from business unit or product line to various organizational functions, such as marketing, sales, operations, HR etc. 

10. Teamwork

The OGSM methodology encourages teamwork and works best when discussed in the team. Bringing your team together to discuss your strategy, analyze the current situation, debate strategic choices, and decide resource allocation ensures that the strategy is connected to the realities of the business and creates understanding and buy-in.

11. Execution

The OGSM format connects WHAT you aim to achieve, the objective and goals, with HOW you are going to achieve it, the strategies and measures. This builds the execution plan into the strategic plan. That means the organization knows how to achieve its goals and can focus on implementing the initiatives. 

12. Review

The OGSM methodology lends itself very well for regular monthly and quarterly reviews to make sure you stay on track to achieving your targets. While the OGSM is built top down, the review is conducted bottom up beginning with the measures and the strategies. Regular check-ins keep you on target and allow timely course corrections if needed. 

13. Results

The OGSM approach has proven time and again that it helps people deliver results. A plan without implementation is simply that – a plan. The OGSM creates transparency about what is important and encourages taking action to turn plan into reality. Regular reviews keep the team engaged and focused. Timely course-corrections keep the team on track and ultimately lead to results.


OGSM stands for objective, goals, strategies, and measures. It is a simple approach to strategic planning for longer term and shorter term plans alike. It’s a one-page format that describes what the business aims to achieve and how it is going to achieve it. 

If you would like to learn more about the OGSM methodology, please click here. You may also browse our examples and tools & templates. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to drop us a note. We’d love to hear from you.  


Find tools & templates for OGSM and your strategic planning process here.

OGSM Examples

Find OGSM examples and inspirations for your own journey here.

Comments 2

  1. Pingback: The 11 Secrets Of Strategy Execution They Don’t Teach You In Business School

  2. Pingback: OGSM Example: How Tony Turns His Pizza Parlor Into An Italian Restaurant

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